Information Practice


Please read this Privacy Statement carefully as this sets out why we ask for your personal information, what information we hold, how that information will be used, with whom we may share it, and how you can access your information.  By providing us with personal information you consent to the processing and where necessary the transferring of personal information as set out in this Privacy Statement.

Everyone working for Optique Opticians has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.

We also confirm that our data handling practices are in line with the Code Of Conduct for compliant handling of data in line with the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679

(the GDPR) and the Data Protection Acts, which the Association of Optometrists Ireland has put in place.

This includes a set of fundamental information principles to ensure that we minimise the amount of information we collect and that there is a clear requirement for all the information which we do collect.


This may include but is not limited to :

• Your full name

• your address;

• your various email addresses

• your various phone numbers including mobile phone numbers

• your financial information including your bank account details, credit card details, or

other payment details as required

• your date of birth

• details of your children and other relations

• medical details, including details of allergies

• PPSN number

• Medical Card details

• all other Data which you ask us to process on your behalf, or which is necessary for us to process in order for us to fulfil our role as providing a range of optical services to you



We collect personal data from you for the purposes of providing our full range of Optical Services to you. This is information which you volunteer when you avail of our services with which you interact. This may be written down (manual records) or kept on a computer or be on a cloud based service. (electronic records).  Your personal information is only used for these purposes.

Optique Opticians has in place appropriate policies and procedures to ensure that our staff collect only information that is needed about service users and that the  information collected is kept in a confidential and secure manner.

Optique Opticians  uses and discloses your personal data only as necessary, to ensure that we provide you with the best possible service and optical advice and comply with industry guidelines as well as Revenue, HSE, and other legal requirements.

It is important that our records are accurate and up-to-date to ensure that any service we provide to you is properly done.  Your records will also aid us with improving our level of service to you.


We may disclose your data to third parties who provide a service to us or share your Data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or to protect our rights, property, or safety of staff or customers. We only share your data when there is a clear requirement to do so and always do so in a secure manner. The third parties with whom we share data include Medical Consultants, G.P.s, the HSE, the Revenue, the Department of Social Welfare and Medical Insurance companies.

Some of your personal information may be used for statistical reporting purposes.

Occasionally an independent audit (check) will take place to make sure your information is being recorded and stored accurately and securely.   On the rare occasions where it is essential to include personal identifiable information in any other way we will ask for your consent before this information is shared.


Optique Opticians also has processes in place to facilitate your rights. As set out below you have  the right to:

• have your details used by us  solely in line with data protection regulations

• know if your personal details are being held and what it is

• access information about your personal details held by us

• change, remove, rectify or update your details (subject to some legal exceptions)

• prevent use of your personal details (subject to some legal exceptions)

• remove your details from our records (subject to some legal exceptions)

• object (subject to some legal exceptions)

• have freedom from automated decision making. 

These rights are more fully set out in our Subjects’ Rights Policy [Insert link to Policy], which also sets out how to make a complaint, and how to exercise each of the rights set out above.


In order to protect the privacy of personal information Optique Opticians will:

• take due care to protect personal information it holds from any loss, unauthorised access, modification, use, disclosure and disposal

• only use personal data for the purposes for which it was collected

• be compliant with the Data Protection Acts, and the General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR)

• have in place appropriate staff training to ensure that all staff who handle personal information are aware of their responsibilities in relation to the safeguarding and handling of your personal information

•  have appropriate technical and organisational measures in place for the securing of your information.

• have appropriate policies and procedures in place including a Data Protection Breach

Policy, which will be used to investigate fully any potential data protection breaches in line with the legislation.


If you would like to know more about how we use your information or if for any reason you do not wish to have your information used in any of the ways described, please speak to insert name of Privacy Co-ordinator at Optique Opticians who will deal with your query.

Further information can be found on our Privacy Policy hyperlink to privacy policy.

Guidance and further information about data protection can also be obtained from the Data Protection Commissioner websites at: www.dataprotection.ie and www.GDPRandYou.ie